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Archive by tag: transhumanismReturn
May 2017
The obsolete human being

The obsolete human being

Take one last look at your smartphone. You probably regard it as the cutting edge of technology, and those cute icons as portals to an infinite array of virtual interactions.What I see is nothing more than a hand-held, electronic cabinet of wonders; an anthropological museum crammed full of exhibits of the lives we once lived.
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April 2017
What do we want to be in 100 years?

What do we want to be in 100 years?

We are faced with an important question. There are technologies that allow improving a person - just as we change plants and animals. But is it ethical to change the human body, do we have the right to artificially improve ourselves?
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April 2016
Death is the triumph of stupidity.

Death is the triumph of stupidity.

Reality is the biggest hype ever. Death is the triumph of stupidity. Love is the victory of injustice. Meaning is the act of manipulation. Happiness is the approval of violence and pain and complicity in murder.
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