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What do we want to be in 100 years?
05 April 2017

What do we want to be in 100 years?

We are faced with an important question. There are technologies that allow improving a person - just as we change plants and animals. But is it ethical to change the human body, do we have the right to artificially improve ourselves?

Let's remember about prostheses.

In the past, these were elements of armor, replacing, for example, a hand lost in battle. Over time, they became more and more functional, and some even got inside the body - artificial joints or drivers of heart rhythm. Prostheses are implanted in bones, skin or muscles.

Now technologies for direct interaction of implants with the brain, such as artificial nerves, are being developed - they will incredibly expand a person's abilities. It's time to ask: "What do we want to be in 100 years?"

The idea of ​​improving a person's many starts. In this regard, I would recall the words of Lord Martin Rees, a British astronomer · "The universe is hostile to us all 100%" If you leave a person in space, he will die. Even on Earth, mass extinctions have occurred many times, and it is very likely that a global catastrophe will sooner or later sweep away the whole of mankind.

To survive, it is necessary to increase the diversity of our species. It will be difficult to colonize Mars or the moons of Jupiter by the forces of the current Homo Sapiens. In order for civilization to become interplanetary, we will need radical changes, such as symbiosis with a radiation-resistant bacterium, breathing through the bloodstream, adaptability to other gravity. We are already groping for tools that can radically transform humanity. An example is Floyd Rohmsber's experiment on changing the basic chemistry of life. All DNA on the planet is created by four nitrogenous bases. A, T, D, C. By changing this set to A, T, X, Y, you can create a parallel live system. If instead of the alphabet of the genome to use ATGTS-XU, 172 new methods appear to encode the amino acids of proteins - 172 bricks, of which we will build a life form capable of populating other planets.

It's hard for me to imagine what kind of people people will be, one thing is clear. We not only have the right, but also are obliged to change the human body, to increase the diversity of our species, regardless of fears and objective difficulties. Only in this way will we be able to spread civilization to other planets and avoid extinction. "


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