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Archive by tag: deathReturn
April 2017
Is old age the natural cause of death?

Is old age the natural cause of death?

In general, any cause of death is natural, and all these divisions into "natural" and "unnatural" - just speculation.
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Another step

Another step

Old age is the final period of our life, having limitations in adaptive capabilities and morphological changes in the body. Alas, at the moment this is inevitable. Despair leads to great achievements, many scientists around the world are trying to fight for an increase in the measured period. Perhaps the coveted drug is closer than we think.
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April 2016
Death is the triumph of stupidity.

Death is the triumph of stupidity.

Reality is the biggest hype ever. Death is the triumph of stupidity. Love is the victory of injustice. Meaning is the act of manipulation. Happiness is the approval of violence and pain and complicity in murder.
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