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May 2017
The obsolete human being

The obsolete human being

Take one last look at your smartphone. You probably regard it as the cutting edge of technology, and those cute icons as portals to an infinite array of virtual interactions.What I see is nothing more than a hand-held, electronic cabinet of wonders; an anthropological museum crammed full of exhibits of the lives we once lived.
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The future of ageing

The future of ageing

There is a kind of uber-story about the future of ageing, regularly featured in the press, that swings through from the lows of crisis reportage (we’ll all be living longer, the pension pots will be empty, health services will crumple under new obligations to the elderly) to the highs of techno-euphoria (gene therapy and nanotech will enrich our late lives, we’ll be able to see our grandchildren’s children, work until we’re 90 and dodge decrepitude).
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A heaven without seals cannot suit us !

A heaven without seals cannot suit us !

The evolutionary argument for immortality, too, depends  to a certain extent on the world’s remaining static.
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