
Archive by tag: microbiotaReturn

Are Migraines Linked to Mouth Bacteria?

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Are Migraines Linked to Mouth Bacteria?
Nitrates, including cardiac medications and food additives, are common headache triggers, mediated by nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator.
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| Categories: | Tags: Microbiota, migraine, nutrition, diet | Comments: (0) | View Count: (828)

Microbes seen controlling action of host's genes

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Microbes seen controlling action of host's genes
Microbes can control their animal hosts by manipulating the molecular machinery of their cells, triggering patterns of gene expression that consequently contribute to health and disease, new research shows. The work, which was conducted in zebrafish and mice cells, could have implications for human inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
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| Categories: | Tags: Microbiota, microbiota, intestines, inflammations, genetics | Comments: (0) | View Count: (838)
Researchers Find Gut Bacteria Can Trigger Brain Lesions That Lead to Strokes
Another connection between the gut and the brain.
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| Categories: | Tags: Microbiota, microbiota, brain, stroke, intestinal bacteria, causes | Comments: (0) | View Count: (826)
The microbes in your body that you couldn't live without
For a healthy body full of ‘good’ bacteria, you may need to do a lot more than eat a probiotic yoghurt, as Adam Rutherford discovered when he took a rather uncomfortable test.
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| Categories: | Tags: microbiome, microbiota, digestion, nutrition, diet | Comments: (0) | View Count: (911)

Gut bacteria tell the brain what animals should eat

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Gut bacteria tell the brain what animals should eat
Neuroscientists have, for the first time, shown that gut bacteria "speak" to the brain to control food choices in animals.
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| Categories: | Tags: Food, diet, microbiome, microbiota | Comments: (0) | View Count: (739)

Gut bacteria affect ageing

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Gut bacteria affect ageing
The life expectancy of older fish is extended if their gut is colonized with the microorganisms of younger fish.
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Microbiome: Puppy power

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Microbiome: Puppy power
Once anathema, it now seems that a 'dirty' environment can enrich a baby's microbiome and lessen her or his likelihood of developing everything from obesity to asthma. Again, it seems that we can rely on man's best friend to help us out.
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| Categories: | Tags: microbiome, microbiota, immunity, immune system | Comments: (0) | View Count: (801)
Preventing age-related decline of gut compartmentalization limits microbiota dysbiosis and extends lifespan
Summary Compartmentalization of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of metazoans is critical for health. GI compartments contain specific microbiota, and microbiota dysbiosis is associated with intestinal dysfunction. Dysbiosis develops in aging intestines, yet how this relates to changes in GI compartmentalization remains unclear. The Drosophila GI tract is an accessible model to address this question. Here we show that the stomach-like copper cell region (CCR) in the middle midgut controls distri...
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| Categories: | Tags: age-related, compartmentalization, microbiota dysbiosis, lifespan | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1430)