
Archive by tag: dietReturn
Extra-virgin olive oil preserves memory, protects brain against Alzheimer's
The Mediterranean diet is associated with a variety of health benefits, including a lower incidence of dementia. Now, researchers have identified a specific ingredient that protects against cognitive decline: extra-virgin olive oil. In a new study, the researchers show that consumption of extra-virgin olive oil protects memory and learning ability and reduces the formation of amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain -- classic markers of Alzheimer's disease.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, cognitive health, nutrition, diet, Alzheimer's disease, olive oil | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1788)
Vaccine that lowers cholesterol in mice offers hope of immunizing against cardiovascular disease
A vaccine to immunize people against high levels of cholesterol and the narrowing of the arteries caused by build-up of fatty material (atherosclerosis) may be possible following successful results in mice. Now, a phase I trial in patients has started to see if the findings translate to humans.
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| Categories: | Tags: Diet, nutrition, obesity, cholesterol, fats | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1098)
Bitter or sweet? How taste cells decide what they want to be
A new study advances understanding of how stem cells on the tongue grow into the different types of mature taste cells that detect either sweet, salty, sour, bitter, or umami. By identifying novel genes and molecular pathways involved in shaping a taste cell's function, these findings may someday allow scientists to treat taste disorders, characterize new taste qualities, or even fine-tune taste perception to encourage healthier eating.
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| Categories: | Tags: Diet, nutrition, obesity, sweet | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1011)

Dads' Caregiving Tied to Kids' Obesity Risk

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Dads' Caregiving Tied to Kids' Obesity Risk
When dads put in more time, kids may be less obese
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| Categories: | Tags: Nutrition, diet, obesity, parenting, paternity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (969)
5 kilograms of broccoli in a pill slashes diabetics’ blood sugar
A powder that contains concentrated extract from the vegetable could prove indispensable to people with type 2 diabetes. The extract reduced blood sugar levels by up to 10 per cent in people with the disease.
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| Categories: | Tags: Diabetes, nutrition, diet, broccoli | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1179)

Scientists reverse mechanism of fatty liver disease

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Scientists reverse mechanism of fatty liver disease
Researchers have identified the mechanism which causes a build-up of fat in the liver in a disease affecting one in five in the UK -- and were able to reverse it in a mouse model.
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| Categories: | Tags: Liver, steatosis, obesity, nutrition, diet, senescent cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1115)

The Deadly Effects of Fructose

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The Deadly Effects of Fructose
In 2009, Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of California, San Francisco delivered a ninety minute lecture entitled “Sugar: The Bitter Truth”. It was posted on YouTube as part of the university’s medical education series. Then a funny thing happened. It went viral.
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| Categories: | Tags: diet, nutrition, sugar, fructose, diabetes | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1311)

The secret to a long and healthy life? Eat less

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The secret to a long and healthy life? Eat less
Permanently cutting the daily calories you consume may turn out to have a profound effect on your future life, according to some tantalising scientific studies.
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| Categories: | Tags: Nutrition, diet, calories | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1025)

A flip switch for binge-eating?

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A flip switch for binge-eating?
Researchers have identified a subgroup of neurons in the mouse brain that, upon activation, immediately prompt binge-like eating.
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| Categories: | Tags: Diet, nutrition, optogenetics, obesity, brain, neurons | Comments: (0) | View Count: (937)
Get to know the omentum: The apron of fat that protects your abdomen
The quirkiest organ in the human body may be a large sheet of fat that stretches over the intestines, liver, and stomach like an elastic apron. Sometimes called the 'policeman of the abdomen,' the omentum is known to secrete hormones related to obesity, and we're still learning new information about its functions. In a review, researchers discuss how the omentum is also an important immune organ.
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| Categories: | Tags: Fat, fatty gland, immunity, immune system, diet, nutrition | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1114)
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