
Archive by tag: geneReturn
Blood epigenetic age may predict cancer incidence and mortality
Biological measures of aging are important for understanding the health of an aging population, with epigenetics particularly promising. Previous studies found that tumor tissue is epigenetically older than its donors are chronologically.
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| Categories: | Tags: epigenetic age, cancer risk, DNA methylation | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1514)
Spermidine promotes retinal ganglion cell survival and optic nerve regeneration in adult mice following optic nerve injury
Spermidine acts as an endogenous free radical scavenger and inhibits the action of reactive oxygen species.
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| Categories: | Tags: spermidine, retinal ganglion, cell survival, regeneration, mice, optic nerve, nerve injury | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1178)

Aging shrinks chromosomes

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Aging shrinks chromosomes
A study on human cells reveals how cellular aging affects the 3-D architecture of chromosomes.
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| Categories: | Tags: senescence, genetics & genomics, epigenetics, disease/medicine, chromatin, cell & molecular biology and aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1343)
Patient-specific age: the other side of the coin in advanced mesenchymal stem cell therapy
Multipotential mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are present as a rare subpopulation within any type of stroma in the body of higher animals. Prominently, MSC have been recognized to reside in perivascular locations, supposedly maintaining blood vessel integrity. During tissue damage and injury, MSC/pericytes become activated, evade from their perivascular niche and are thus assumed to support wound healing and tissue regeneration. In vitro MSC exhibit demonstrated capabilities to differentiate in...
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| Categories: | Tags: vascular niche, cell-based therapy, aging biology, cellular dysfunction, age-associated pathology, regenerative medicine | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1405)

PRMT7 preserves satellite cell regenerative capacity

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PRMT7 preserves satellite cell regenerative capacity
PRMT7 is required for muscle stem cell self-renewal and regenerative capacity in vivo. PRMT7 deletion causes senescence of activated muscle stem cells. This entry into senescence is associated with persistent expression of p21.
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| Categories: | Tags: PRMT7, muscle regeneration, senescence, aging, DNMT3b, p21CIP1, muscle stem cell | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1457)

Delivering genes across the blood-brain barrier

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Delivering genes across the blood-brain barrier
Caltech biologists have developed a vector capable of noninvasive delivery of genetic cargo throughout the adult central nervous system.
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| Categories: | Tags: genes, blood-brain barrier | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1276)
Timing of expression of the core clock gene Bmal1 influences its effects on aging and survival
Ironically, antiaging product advertisements often promise to “slow down the clock.” But abolishing the circadian clock—for example, by knocking out Bmal1, a core clock gene—accelerates aging and shortens the life span in mice. As a result, Bmal1 knockout mice often serve as a model system in studies of the role of circadian rhythms in the aging process. Now Yang et al. show that the developmental timing of Bmal1 expression influences the circadian clock’s effects on aging and survival.
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| Categories: | Tags: timing of expression, gene, Bmal1, aging, survival | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1233)
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