
Archive by tag: cellReturn
β-Globin-Expressing Definitive Erythroid Progenitor Cells Generated from Embryonic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Sacs
Human embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells represent a potential alternative source for red blood cell transfusion. However, when using traditional methods with embryoid bodies, ES cell-derived erythroid cells predominantly express embryonic type ɛ-globin, with lesser fetal type γ-globin and very little adult type β-globin.
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| Categories: | Tags: pluripotent stem cells, erythroid differentiation, primitive and definitive hematopoiesis, globin expression | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1606)

VU Inside: Dr. William Fissell’s Artificial Kidney

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VU Inside: Dr. William Fissell’s Artificial Kidney
Vanderbilt University Medical Center nephrologist and Associate Professor of Medicine Dr. William H. Fissell IV, is making major progress on a first-of-its kind device to free kidney patients from dialysis. He is building an implantable artificial kidney with microchip filters and living kidney cells that will be powered by a patient’s own heart.
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| Categories: | Tags: artificial kidney, nanotchnology, cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1231)
Autonomous extracellular matrix remodeling controls a progressive adaptation in muscle stem cell regenerative capacity during development
Muscle stem cells (MuSCs) exhibit distinct behavior during successive phases of developmental myogenesis. However, how their transition to adulthood is regulated is poorly understood. Here, we show that fetal MuSCs resist progenitor specification and exhibit altered division dynamics, intrinsic features that are progressively lost postnatally.
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| Categories: | Tags: progressive adaptation, progressive adaptation, stem cell, regenerative capacity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1081)
Spermidine promotes retinal ganglion cell survival and optic nerve regeneration in adult mice following optic nerve injury
Spermidine acts as an endogenous free radical scavenger and inhibits the action of reactive oxygen species.
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| Categories: | Tags: spermidine, retinal ganglion, cell survival, regeneration, mice, optic nerve, nerve injury | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1180)

Aging shrinks chromosomes

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Aging shrinks chromosomes
A study on human cells reveals how cellular aging affects the 3-D architecture of chromosomes.
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| Categories: | Tags: senescence, genetics & genomics, epigenetics, disease/medicine, chromatin, cell & molecular biology and aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1344)
Patient-specific age: the other side of the coin in advanced mesenchymal stem cell therapy
Multipotential mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are present as a rare subpopulation within any type of stroma in the body of higher animals. Prominently, MSC have been recognized to reside in perivascular locations, supposedly maintaining blood vessel integrity. During tissue damage and injury, MSC/pericytes become activated, evade from their perivascular niche and are thus assumed to support wound healing and tissue regeneration. In vitro MSC exhibit demonstrated capabilities to differentiate in...
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| Categories: | Tags: vascular niche, cell-based therapy, aging biology, cellular dysfunction, age-associated pathology, regenerative medicine | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1405)
Abrogation of age-induced microRNA-195 rejuvenates the senescent mesenchymal stem cells by reactivating telomerase
Here we present the first evidence that miR-195 overexpressed in old MSCs (OMSCs) induces stem cell senescence deteriorating their regenerative ability by directly deactivating telomerase reverse transcriptase (Tert), and abrogation of miR-195 can reverse stem cell aging.
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| Categories: | Tags: aging, stem cells, miR-195, telomerase, heart | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1508)
Team grows functioning pituitary gland from human embryonic stem cells
When the anterior pituitary gland is damaged—through tumours, infections, or even genetic factors—many different disorders can arise, some of which—like insufficient ACTH—are life threatening.
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| Categories: | Tags: pituitary gland, pituitary gland, human stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1369)

PRMT7 preserves satellite cell regenerative capacity

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PRMT7 preserves satellite cell regenerative capacity
PRMT7 is required for muscle stem cell self-renewal and regenerative capacity in vivo. PRMT7 deletion causes senescence of activated muscle stem cells. This entry into senescence is associated with persistent expression of p21.
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| Categories: | Tags: PRMT7, muscle regeneration, senescence, aging, DNMT3b, p21CIP1, muscle stem cell | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1459)
Breakthrough in generating embryonic cells that are critical for human health
Neural crest cells arise early in the development of vertebrates, migrate extensively through the embryo, and differentiate to give rise to a wide array of diverse derivatives. Their contributions include a large proportion of our peripheral nerves, the melanocytes that provide skin color and protection from damaging UV light, as well as many different cell types in our face, including muscle, bone, cartilage and tooth-forming cells.
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| Categories: | Tags: embryonic cells, human health | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1086)
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