
Archive by tag: cellReturn
Molecule identified that helps give resident T cells in the skin their anti-cancer punch
The molecule CD103 is key to the long-term residence of T cells in the skin and to their potent anti-tumor response against melanoma
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, Oncology, Melanoma, Skin, Vetiligo, T-Cells, Skin Whitening, Skin Discoloration | Comments: (0) | View Count: (734)

Stem cells edited to fight arthritis

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Stem cells edited to fight arthritis
Using CRISPR technology, a team of researchers rewired stem cells' genetic circuits to produce an anti-inflammatory arthritis drug when the cells encounter inflammation. The technique eventually could act as a vaccine for arthritis and other chronic conditions.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, genetics, genome modification, genetic engineering, CRISPR/Cas9, arthritis, regeneration | Comments: (0) | View Count: (748)

Skin stem cells used to generate new brain cells

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Skin stem cells used to generate new brain cells
Using human skin cells, University of California, Irvine neurobiologists and their colleagues have created a method to generate one of the principle cell types of the brain called microglia, which play a key role in preserving the function of neural networks and responding to injury and disease.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, skin cells, glia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia | Comments: (0) | View Count: (849)
China Exclusive: Are human space babies conceivable? Tianzhou-1 experiment may give clue
As astronauts continue to break records for time spent in space and manned Mars exploration is under discussion, scientists in China have begun a groundbreaking study to determine if humans can reproduce in space.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, germ cells, human reproduction, space | Comments: (0) | View Count: (749)

Nanoparticles reprogram immune cells to fight cancer

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Nanoparticles reprogram immune cells to fight cancer
A new study describes new method to transform immune cells, while inside the body, into leukemia-fighting powerhouses.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, oncology, immunity, immune system, nanoparticles, T-cells, genetics, genetic engineering, genome modification | Comments: (0) | View Count: (683)

Pig organ transplant to save babies’ lives

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Pig organ transplant to save babies’ lives
A team of doctors in Britain is to become the first in the world to modify pig organs to treat newborn babies with birth defects.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, donor organs, growing organs, pigs | Comments: (0) | View Count: (738)

Stem cells - visualising and description

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Stem cells - visualising and description
Visualization of stem cells and description for each type
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, visualizing, images, description | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1124)

Announcing the Allen Cell Explorer

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Announcing the Allen Cell Explorer
The Allen Institute for Cell Science today announces the launch of the Allen Cell Explorer: a one-of-a-kind portal and dynamic digital window into the human cell.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, machine learning, artificial intelligence | Comments: (0) | View Count: (724)
Scientists expand ability of stem cells to regrow any tissue type
Now, scientists at the Salk Institute, in collaboration with researchers from Peking University, in China, are reporting their discovery of a chemical cocktail that enables cultured mouse and human stem cells to do just that: generate both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, pluripotent stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (826)

Scientists report inhibition of cellular aging

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Scientists report inhibition of cellular aging
DGIST's research team have been conducting research to reverse the aging process by shifting the existing academia's 'irreversibility of aging' paradigm that suggests aging cannot be reversed. To reverse the aging process, the research team searched for factors that could control aging and sought substances that could restore cell division capacity.
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| Categories: | Tags: KU-60019, inhibitor of the ATM protein, inhibition of cellular aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (858)
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