
Archive by tag: cancerReturn

Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women

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Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women
Epigenetic changes are chemical modifications that turn our genes off or on. In a new study from Uppsala University, researchers show that tea consumption in women leads to epigenetic changes in genes that are known to interact with cancer and estrogen metabolism.
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| Categories: | Tags: Genetics, epigenetics, nutrition, diet, cancer, oncology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (966)
Five years before brain cancer diagnosis, changes detectable in blood
Changes in immune activity appear to signal a growing brain tumor five years before symptoms arise, new research has found.
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, diagnosis, cytokines | Comments: (0) | View Count: (621)
IBM’s Watson is really good at creating cancer treatment plans
Clinicians continue to add to the system’s cancer-assessing repertoire.
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| Categories: | Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, cancer, oncology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (757)

Immunotherapy target suppresses pain to mask cancer

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Immunotherapy target suppresses pain to mask cancer
Researchers found that a molecule called PD-L1, which is blocked by the immunotherapy drug nivolumab, acts not only on immune cells but also on the nerve cells that signal pain. That insight could lead to a simple test that measures subtle differences in pain sensitivity to gauge whether or not a cancer patient is responding to immunotherapy. This study also identifies PD-L1 as a previously unrecognized neuromodulator and pain inhibitor.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, Oncology, Diagnosis | Comments: (0) | View Count: (652)

New plasmonic sensor improves early cancer detection

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New plasmonic sensor improves early cancer detection
A new plasmonic sensor developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will serve as a reliable early detection of biomarkers for many forms of cancer and eventually other diseases.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, Oncology, Diagnosis | Comments: (0) | View Count: (745)

Sweetening connection between cancer and sugar

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Sweetening connection between cancer and sugar
Scientists have found that some types of cancers have more of a sweet tooth than others.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, oncology, squamous cell lung cancer, lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma | Comments: (0) | View Count: (746)

A new way to slow cancer cell growth

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A new way to slow cancer cell growth
Researchers have identified a new way to potentially slow the fast-growing cells that characterize all types of cancer. By removing a specific protein from cells, they were able to slow the cell cycle, which is out of control in cancer. The findings were made in kidney and cervical cancer cells and are a long way from being applied in people, but could be the basis of a treatment option in the future.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, Oncology, Tudor-SN, Genetics, Gene Expression, CRISPR/Cas9, Genome Modification, Genetic Engineering | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1016)
The FDA just approved a drug that targets cancer by genetic marker, not body parts
On May 23, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval to pembrolizumab, made by Merck and marketed as Keytruda, for adults and children without remaining treatment alternatives and with metastatic solid tumors identified with a biomarker called microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch repair deficient (dMMR).
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, biomarkers | Comments: (0) | View Count: (821)
Smokers 'more vulnerable to most common lung cancer from light cigarettes'
Smoking of "light" cigarettes was associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer.
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| Categories: | Tags: nicotine, smoking, lung inspiration, adenocarcinoma, biological markers, smoke tobacco, lung cancer, adenocarcinoma of lung, toxicant cigarettes filters | Comments: (0) | View Count: (762)
Cancer Diagnostics with Deep Learning and Photonic Time Stretch
Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy- or immunotherapy-based treatments must undergo regular CT and PET scans—and in some cases, new biopsies—to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment. Flow cytometry, a method for identifying circulating tumor cells (CTCs) via a simple blood test, is much less invasive than scans and biopsies, and could be a game-changer in cancer treatment.
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, diagnostics, deep learning, ai, artificial intelligence | Comments: (0) | View Count: (860)
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