
Sperm Loaded with Drugs Could Target Gynecological Cancers
Fitting sperm cells with a steering mechanism offers a new way to target treatments.
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| Categories: | Tags: Oncology, cancer, cancer treatment, spermatozoa, synthetic biology, genetics, genome modification, genetic engineering | Comments: (0) | View Count: (828)

Artificial life spawns billion-dollar industry

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Artificial life spawns billion-dollar industry
Growing designer babies and bringing back the woolly mammoth. Such thoughts that were once considered fiction are now a looming reality for scientists who are steps away from building artificial life.
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| Categories: | Tags: Genetics, synthetic biology, genome modification, genetic engineering, investments | Comments: (0) | View Count: (764)
Sleeping well in old age can cut the risk of mental disorder
Being able to sleep well in old age can cut the risk of developing a wide range of mental and physical disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, say scientists.
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| Categories: | Tags: Sleep, brain, aging markers, sleep rhythm disturbances, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, stroke | Comments: (0) | View Count: (831)
Octopuses can basically edit their own genes on the fly
Crazy levels of RNA tinkering could explain how cephalopods got so smart
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| Categories: | Tags: genetics, genome modification, gene engineering, octopuses, DNA recombination, RNA recombination | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1003)

Aging isn’t killing us, lack of sleep is

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Aging isn’t killing us, lack of sleep is
In news that will come as no surprise to anyone over the age of 30, new research has found it gets harder to sleep as we get older.
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| Categories: | Tags: sleep, deceases, aging, sleep deprivation | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1085)
Scientists expand ability of stem cells to regrow any tissue type
Now, scientists at the Salk Institute, in collaboration with researchers from Peking University, in China, are reporting their discovery of a chemical cocktail that enables cultured mouse and human stem cells to do just that: generate both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, pluripotent stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (829)
First long-term stabile brain implant developed based on an anti-inflammatory coating
Complex neurotechnological devices are required to directly select and influence brain waves inside the skull’s interior. Although it has become relatively easy to implement the devices, researchers are still faced with challenges when trying to keep them running properly in living organisms over time. But that could be changing now, thanks to a new method. A research team was able to create a microprobe that grows into the neural tissue without inflammation and with the help of a medicinal coa...
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, implants, neural interface, inflammation | Comments: (0) | View Count: (673)
Newly discovered chemical reaction in eye may improve vision
Researchers biochemically induce self-renewing mechanism to help retina sense light
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| Categories: | Tags: vision, eyes, retina, regeneration, reparation | Comments: (0) | View Count: (726)
Softening tumours before chemo improves pancreatic cancer survival
Australian cancer researchers have uncovered a promising new approach to treating pancreatic cancer by targeting the tissue around the tumour to make it ‘softer’ and more responsive to chemotherapy.
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, chemotherapy, pancreatic, fasudil | Comments: (0) | View Count: (871)

Scientists report inhibition of cellular aging

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Scientists report inhibition of cellular aging
DGIST's research team have been conducting research to reverse the aging process by shifting the existing academia's 'irreversibility of aging' paradigm that suggests aging cannot be reversed. To reverse the aging process, the research team searched for factors that could control aging and sought substances that could restore cell division capacity.
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| Categories: | Tags: KU-60019, inhibitor of the ATM protein, inhibition of cellular aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (860)
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