
Quantitative study of aldehyde content in electronic cigarettes
Researchers from the University of Louisville's Tobacco Regulation and Addiction Center conducted quantitative analyses of both older (first generation) and newer-model e-cigarette cartridges using a variety of flavors. They used a new method for trapping reactive carbonyls that are then subsequently stabilized using an oximation reaction. They found that newer devices produced more harmful aldehydes than first generation e-cigarettes.
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| Categories: | Tags: Smoking, soaring, aldehydes, cancer, oncology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (849)
Alphabet's Verily details its research-focused health watch
It's designed for large-scale medical studies.
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3-D-printed patch can help mend a 'broken' heart

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3-D-printed patch can help mend a 'broken' heart
A team of biomedical engineering researchers, led by the University of Minnesota, has created a revolutionary 3D-bioprinted patch that can help heal scarred heart tissue after a heart attack. The discovery is a major step forward in treating patients with tissue damage after a heart attack.
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| Categories: | Tags: bioprinting, heart attack, regeneration, heart | Comments: (0) | View Count: (601)

Pig organ transplant to save babies’ lives

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Pig organ transplant to save babies’ lives
A team of doctors in Britain is to become the first in the world to modify pig organs to treat newborn babies with birth defects.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, donor organs, growing organs, pigs | Comments: (0) | View Count: (739)
AI can predict heart attacks more accurately than doctors
This machine learning algorithm beats ACC/AHA guidelines by 7.6 percent
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| Categories: | Tags: Heart, cardiovascular system, artificial intelligence, diagnosis, heart attack | Comments: (0) | View Count: (732)
New Simpler Parkinson's Tests Probe Walking, Talking, Typing
The new tests show promise for detecting the neurodegenerative condition earlier
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| Categories: | Tags: Parkinoson's decease, brain, diagnostics, tests | Comments: (0) | View Count: (709)

Stem cells - visualising and description

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Stem cells - visualising and description
Visualization of stem cells and description for each type
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New CRISPR tool can detect tiny amounts of viruses

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New CRISPR tool can detect tiny amounts of viruses
Far to the right side of the decimal point—beyond milli, micro, nano, pico, and femto—lives the atto, the metric prefix representing 10-18. Slap it in front of a unit of concentration, such as molar, and it means that something exists in an extraordinarily small amount—think one part per quintillion. That’s the realm of SHERLOCK, a new diagnostic system that can detect attomolar levels of viruses in a sample and also distinguish Zika from its close relative, dengue. This exquisitely sensitiv...
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| Categories: | Tags: CRISPR/Cas9, cancer, viruses, oncology, diagnostics | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1066)

Cancer Incidence Increases Among Children Worldwide

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Cancer Incidence Increases Among Children Worldwide
The number of newly diagnosed childhood cancer cases worldwide rose by 13 percent during the past two decades, according to an agency of the World Health Organization.
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| Categories: | Tags: oncology, cancer, children, children cancer | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1012)
Gene editing opens doors to seedless fruit with no need for bees
Don’t like the seeds in tomatoes? You might be pleased to know that seedless ones have been created by gene editing.
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| Categories: | Tags: CRISPR / Cas9, Genetics, Genome Modification, Genetic Engineering, Synthetic Biology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (783)
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