
Archive by tag: retinaReturn
Scientists Have Developed The World's First Soft Tissue Synthetic Retina
The bionic eye just got a lot more eye-friendly.
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| Categories: | Tags: Vision, retina, artificial retina | Comments: (0) | View Count: (761)
Newly discovered chemical reaction in eye may improve vision
Researchers biochemically induce self-renewing mechanism to help retina sense light
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New nano-implant could one day help restore sight

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New nano-implant could one day help restore sight
A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego and La Jolla-based startup Nanovision Biosciences Inc. have developed the nanotechnology and wireless electronics for a new type of retinal prosthesis that brings research a step closer to restoring the ability of neurons in the retina to respond to light.
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| Categories: | Tags: retina, bionics, bionic devices, sight recover | Comments: (0) | View Count: (940)
Spermidine promotes retinal ganglion cell survival and optic nerve regeneration in adult mice following optic nerve injury
Spermidine acts as an endogenous free radical scavenger and inhibits the action of reactive oxygen species.
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| Categories: | Tags: spermidine, retinal ganglion, cell survival, regeneration, mice, optic nerve, nerve injury | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1175)