
Archive by tag: exerciseReturn

Excessive exercise can cause gut problems, study finds

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Excessive exercise can cause gut problems, study finds
Effects may be exacerbated by running or exercising in hot temperatures
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| Categories: | Tags: Exercise, exercise, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal tract | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1133)
Whole-body vibration may be as effective as regular exercise
A less strenuous form of exercise known as whole-body vibration (WBV) can mimic the muscle and bone health benefits of regular exercise in mice, according to a new study. WBV consists of a person sitting, standing or lying on a machine with a vibrating platform. When the machine vibrates, it transmits energy to the body, and muscles contract and relax multiple times during each second.
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| Categories: | Tags: Sports, exercise, diabetes, overweight, obesity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (924)

A rare success against Alzheimer’s

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A rare success against Alzheimer’s
A gold-standard clinical trial provides evidence that diet, exercise and an active social life can help prevent cognitive decline.
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| Categories: | Tags: Alzheimer's decease, Alzheimer's, dementia, exercises, diet, food | Comments: (0) | View Count: (865)
Physical exercise boosts your brain power in 20 minutes, helps stop brain shrinkage
Scientists have been linking the benefits of physical exercise to brain health for many years, but new research is making it clear that the two aren't just simply related; rather, it is THE relationship.
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| Categories: | Tags: physical exercise, brain, brain shrinkage, brain power | Comments: (1) | View Count: (1623)