
Archive by tag: MenReturn

Artificial life spawns billion-dollar industry

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Artificial life spawns billion-dollar industry
Growing designer babies and bringing back the woolly mammoth. Such thoughts that were once considered fiction are now a looming reality for scientists who are steps away from building artificial life.
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| Categories: | Tags: Genetics, synthetic biology, genome modification, genetic engineering, investments | Comments: (0) | View Count: (764)

A rare success against Alzheimer’s

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A rare success against Alzheimer’s
A gold-standard clinical trial provides evidence that diet, exercise and an active social life can help prevent cognitive decline.
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| Categories: | Tags: Alzheimer's decease, Alzheimer's, dementia, exercises, diet, food | Comments: (0) | View Count: (867)
The Crazy Plan to Restore a Woman's Fertility—and Defy the Limits of Nature
A gynecologist named Konstantinos Sfakianoudis claimed to have found a way to rejuvenate aging ovaries with a blood treatment typically used for healing wounds. So far, the Sfakianoudis says, the technique has helped nine women nearing menopause who were having difficulty conceiving to get pregnant via in vitro fertilization.
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| Categories: | Tags: fertility, menopause, reproduction, restore reproduction, pregnancy, CRIPSR, stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1056)
Caffeine Is Among 24 Compounds That May Prevent Dementia
Dementia Research 2017: Caffeine Is Among 24 Compounds That May Prevent Dementia, Study Says
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| Categories: | Tags: food, nutrition, diet, dementia, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, huntington’s disease, dementia, caffeine, coffee, enzymes, neurodegenerative disorders | Comments: (0) | View Count: (774)

Should We Die?

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Should We Die?
Radical longevity may change the way we live — and not necessarily for the better.
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| Categories: | Tags: longevity, transhumanism, philosophy, opinion, analysis, commentary, business, politics, culture, international, science, technology, national and life | Comments: (0) | View Count: (853)

Microbes on the market - Analysis microbiome drugs

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Microbes on the market - Analysis  microbiome drugs
A legal loophole means some promising drugs are already available as food or cosmetics. Is that a good idea?
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| Categories: | Tags: microbiome, drugs, supplements, food, gut microbiome | Comments: (0) | View Count: (864)

Needing More Sleep is a Risk Factor for Dementia

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Needing More Sleep is a Risk Factor for Dementia
As we age, some systems in the body don’t work as well. Eyesight weakens, there can be some minor age related memory loss and many people move a little slower and don’t stay as active. Sleep disturbances are common as well, but recent research shows that sleeping patterns could be an indicator of another problem seen in the elderly: dementia. Currently estimates put the number of people dealing with some form of dementia at about 46 million globally. In the United States, there are approxima...
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| Categories: | Tags: aging, dementia, sleep, Alzheimer, brain, cognitive health, MRI | Comments: (0) | View Count: (765)
Scientists Reverse Sickle Cell Disease for the First Time Using Gene Therapy
A new gene therapy technique has been used to successfully reverse sickle cell disease for the first time, scientists report.
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| Categories: | Tags: therapy, cells, gene, disease, haemoglobin, blood, patient, treatment, scientists, cell, genetic, sickle, body | Comments: (0) | View Count: (716)
Study identifies key factor in DNA damage associated with aging
In a recent study, Rochester scientists made two important contributions to DNA damage research. First, though scientists could previously point to an association between DNA damage and aging, the Rochester group has demonstrated a causal relationship between reduced DNA damage and extended lifespan. Second, the researchers have identified a cellular factor—an enzyme called topoisomerase 2, or Top2, implicated in DNA damage—that can be targeted to reduce that damage. The findings are published...
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| Categories: | Tags: Aging, Arts and Sciences, David Goldfarb, Department of Biology, DNA, research finding, replicative lifespan, aging, topoisomerase 2 poison, DNA damage, antagonistic pleiotropy | Comments: (0) | View Count: (828)
Geriatric Conditions in a Population-Based Sample of Older Homeless Adults
Purpose of the Study: Older homeless adults living in shelters have high rates of geriatric conditions, which may increase their risk for acute care use and nursing home placement. However, a minority of homeless adults stay in shelters and the prevalence of geriatric conditions among homeless adults living in other environments is unknown. We determined the prevalence of common geriatric conditions in a cohort of older homeless adults, and whether the prevalence of these conditions differs acro...
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| Categories: | Tags: Homeless persons, Functional status, Sensory impairment, Cognitive impairment, Epidemiology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1809)
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