
Archive by tag: scienceReturn

Should We Die?

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Should We Die?
Radical longevity may change the way we live — and not necessarily for the better.
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| Categories: | Tags: longevity, transhumanism, philosophy, opinion, analysis, commentary, business, politics, culture, international, science, technology, national and life | Comments: (0) | View Count: (849)
Study identifies key factor in DNA damage associated with aging
In a recent study, Rochester scientists made two important contributions to DNA damage research. First, though scientists could previously point to an association between DNA damage and aging, the Rochester group has demonstrated a causal relationship between reduced DNA damage and extended lifespan. Second, the researchers have identified a cellular factor—an enzyme called topoisomerase 2, or Top2, implicated in DNA damage—that can be targeted to reduce that damage. The findings are published...
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| Categories: | Tags: Aging, Arts and Sciences, David Goldfarb, Department of Biology, DNA, research finding, replicative lifespan, aging, topoisomerase 2 poison, DNA damage, antagonistic pleiotropy | Comments: (0) | View Count: (825)
First drug to reverse Huntington’s disease begins human trials
The new drug, called IONIS-HTTRx, silences the gene known to be responsible for the production of a protein which causes Huntington’s
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| Categories: | Tags: new drug, IONIS-HTTRx, silences the gene, production of a protein, science | Comments: (0) | View Count: (2408)
Scientists have figured out why drug-resistant 'superbugs' are so hard to kill
You may have already heard about the growing problem caused by antibiotic resistance - the spread of superbugs that have evolved to become resistant to the antibiotics we usually attack them with. It's an issue that could have very serious implications for global health and disease if it isn't tackled urgently, and now researchers have made an important step in finding a solution.
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| Categories: | Tags: growing problem, antibiotic resistance, e-coli, science | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1422)
Direct Reprogramming of Hepatic Myofibroblasts into Hepatocytes In Vivo Attenuates Liver Fibrosis
Direct induction of induced hepatocytes (iHeps) from fibroblasts holds potential as a strategy for regenerative medicine but until now has only been shown in culture settings. Here, we describe in vivo iHep formation using transcription factor induction and genetic fate tracing in mouse models of chronic liver disease.
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| Categories: | Tags: FOXA3, GATA4, HNF1A, HNF4A, aging, science, regenerative medicine | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1325)

Amyloid pathology and axonal injury after brain trauma

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Amyloid pathology and axonal injury after brain trauma
To image β-amyloid (Aβ) plaque burden in long-term survivors of traumatic brain injury (TBI), test whether traumatic axonal injury and Aβ are correlated, and compare the spatial distribution of Aβ to Alzheimer disease (AD).
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| Categories: | Tags: β-amyloid pathology, neurology, science | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1733)

The War on Aging: An Update from the Front Lines

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The War on Aging: An Update from the Front Lines
Interventions into the degenerative aging process are still only in their infancy. A long war will need to be fought from basic research on cell cultures and animal models to deliver, eventually, effective, safe and widely available human anti-aging therapies.
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| Categories: | Tags: aging, gerontology, longevity, science | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1853)