
Archive by tag: programmed agingReturn

An epigenetic clock controls aging

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An epigenetic clock controls aging
We are accustomed to treating aging as a set of things that go wrong with the body. But for more than twenty years, there has been accumulating evidence that much of the process takes place under genetic control.
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| Categories: | Tags: senescence, programmed aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1111)

An epigenetic clock controls aging

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An epigenetic clock controls aging
We are accustomed to treating aging as a set of things that go wrong with the body. But for more than twenty years, there has been accumulating evidence that much of the process takes place under genetic control.
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| Categories: | Tags: Senescence, Programmed aging, Epigenetic, Evolution, Life history, Gene expression | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1026)