

Are Migraines Linked to Mouth Bacteria?

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Are Migraines Linked to Mouth Bacteria?
Nitrates, including cardiac medications and food additives, are common headache triggers, mediated by nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator.
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| Categories: | Tags: Microbiota, migraine, nutrition, diet | Comments: (0) | View Count: (831)

Gene therapy could 'turn off' severe allergies

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Gene therapy could 'turn off' severe allergies
A single treatment giving life-long protection from severe allergies such as asthma could be made possible by recent immunology research.
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| Categories: | Tags: Allergy, genetics, genome modification, gene therapy, synthetic biology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (842)

Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women

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Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women
Epigenetic changes are chemical modifications that turn our genes off or on. In a new study from Uppsala University, researchers show that tea consumption in women leads to epigenetic changes in genes that are known to interact with cancer and estrogen metabolism.
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| Categories: | Tags: Genetics, epigenetics, nutrition, diet, cancer, oncology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (974)
Scientists remotely move a mouse’s whiskers with electrodes outside its brain
This new method can stimulate deep parts of the brain without surgery and — if it pans out in humans — it could be very helpful for people with neurological conditions like Parkinson’s, depression, or epilepsy.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, neurons, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, neurointerface | Comments: (0) | View Count: (850)
Five years before brain cancer diagnosis, changes detectable in blood
Changes in immune activity appear to signal a growing brain tumor five years before symptoms arise, new research has found.
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, diagnosis, cytokines | Comments: (0) | View Count: (623)
Emotions expressed by the dying are unexpectedly positive
Although thinking about dying can cause considerable angst, new research suggests that the actual emotional experiences of the dying are both more positive and less negative than people expect.
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Building better brains—a bioengineered upgrade for organoids
Scientists from Cambridge and Vienna present a new method that combines the organoid method with bioengineering
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, transplants, organoid, bioengineering | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1165)
IBM’s Watson is really good at creating cancer treatment plans
Clinicians continue to add to the system’s cancer-assessing repertoire.
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| Categories: | Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, cancer, oncology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (768)

Immunotherapy target suppresses pain to mask cancer

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Immunotherapy target suppresses pain to mask cancer
Researchers found that a molecule called PD-L1, which is blocked by the immunotherapy drug nivolumab, acts not only on immune cells but also on the nerve cells that signal pain. That insight could lead to a simple test that measures subtle differences in pain sensitivity to gauge whether or not a cancer patient is responding to immunotherapy. This study also identifies PD-L1 as a previously unrecognized neuromodulator and pain inhibitor.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, Oncology, Diagnosis | Comments: (0) | View Count: (664)

New plasmonic sensor improves early cancer detection

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New plasmonic sensor improves early cancer detection
A new plasmonic sensor developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will serve as a reliable early detection of biomarkers for many forms of cancer and eventually other diseases.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, Oncology, Diagnosis | Comments: (0) | View Count: (750)
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