
Archive by tag: transplantationReturn
Pig brain cells implanted into brains of people with Parkinson’s
The approach is still in the early stages of testing, but initial results from four people look promising, with all showing some improvement 18 months after surgery.
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| Categories: | Tags: Parkinson's disease, cell transplantation, genetics, genome modification, genetic engineering, CRISPR | Comments: (0) | View Count: (858)

Sergio Canavero: a revolution in medicine

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Sergio Canavero: a revolution in medicine
In an interview with the publication of OOOOM, the famous surgeon Sergio Canavero talked about the details of the operation on a human head transplantation, which he and his Chinese counterpart Xiaopeng Wren are going to hold in December. There are plans to "revitalize" the dead people - participants in the Alcor project to freeze bodies after death. Extract the body, cooled in the cryogenic chamber, separate the head and transplant it to the donor body. Kanavero plans already by 2018...
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| Categories: | Tags: Head transplantation, transplantation, head transplantation, brain, surgery, revitalization | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1210)

Youthful Poo Makes Aged Fish Live Longer

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Youthful Poo Makes Aged Fish Live Longer
The gut microbes of young killifish can extend the lifespans of older fish – hinting at the microbiome’s role in ageing. 
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| Categories: | Tags: microbiome. transplantation, fish, rejuvenate | Comments: (0) | View Count: (661)
Spinach leaves are the secret ingredient for growing heart tissue in a lab
The team built on this discovery by first removing the plant cells from a spinach leaf, and then demonstrating that it’s possible to use the veins remaining in the leaf structure to transport fluid and small particles, the approximate size of blood cells. In addition to this, they seeded heart cells on the plant scaffold to show that the scaffold can serve as a basis for building heart muscle.
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| Categories: | Tags: organs, transplantation, organ grows | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1101)