
Archive by tag: superbugsReturn
Researchers Have Traced The Genes For Antibiotic Resistance Back to Their Source
New research from The Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Biosustainability in Denmark has for the first time provided evidence to back up what biologists have long suspected – the resistance genes come from the same source as the antibiotics themselves.
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Antibacterial Nucleoside-Analog Inhibitor of Bacterial RNA Polymerase
Scientists have discovered a new antibiotic effective against drug-resistant bacteria: pseudouridimycin. The new antibiotic is produced by a microbe found in a soil sample collected in Italy and was discovered by screening microbes from soil samples. The new antibiotic kills a broad spectrum of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant bacteria in a test tube and cures bacterial infections in mice.
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Killer antibiotic now 25,000× more potent—and resistant to drug resistance
Chemical changes give drug three killing methods plus a way to daze evolution.
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Maple syrup extract boosts antibiotics, may ward off 'superbugs'
It is well-known that prolonged exposure to high doses of antibiotics can increase tolerance and sometimes strengthen the very bacteria that antibiotics are trying to kill. New research, however, suggests that an extract from maple syrup may boost the efficacy of antibiotics and reduce their side effects.
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