
Archive by tag: proteinReturn
Scientists publish groundbreaking study on new heart drug
Scientists have identified a drug candidate to restore heart muscle function following a heart attack. Currently, no drug exists to restore heart muscle function after a heart attack.
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| Categories: | Tags: proteins, heart, heart muscle, heart attack, awaiting clinical trials | Comments: (0) | View Count: (698)

Protein could prevent brain damage caused by stroke

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Protein could prevent brain damage caused by stroke
A small protein that could protect the brain from stroke-induced injury has been discovered by researchers from The University of Queensland and Monash University.
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| Categories: | Tags: protein, brain, stroke, awaiting of clinical trials | Comments: (0) | View Count: (762)
First drug to reverse Huntington’s disease begins human trials
The new drug, called IONIS-HTTRx, silences the gene known to be responsible for the production of a protein which causes Huntington’s
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| Categories: | Tags: new drug, IONIS-HTTRx, silences the gene, production of a protein, science | Comments: (0) | View Count: (2408)
Study Reveals Proteins Most Associated With Aging And Age-Related Diseases
Researchers have revealed a list of proteins most associated with aging and age-related disease including Alzheimer's. The team has found that short and highly charged proteins are most vulnerable to oxidation, which damages proteins in aging cells.
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| Categories: | Tags: Aging, Oxidation, proteins | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1117)
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