
Archive by tag: prostheticsReturn

The robodoc is in

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The robodoc is in
Robotics is changing every industry; but when it comes to healthcare, It’s advancing by leaps and bounds.
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| Categories: | Tags: robotics, healthcare, ai, artificial intelligence, prosthesis, prosthetics | Comments: (0) | View Count: (911)

The Mind-Body Connection

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The Mind-Body Connection
Understanding how people recognize and control their own bodies could help researchers develop therapies for those who’ve lost their sense of self.
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, mind, neuroprosthetics, neural networks | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1102)
​ANU researchers build 'brain-on-a-chip' for future brain prosthetics
Researchers from the university have successfully grown brain cells on a semiconductor wafer.
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| Categories: | Tags: Neuroimplants, neuroimplants, implants, implants, brain, neurointerface, neuroprosthetics | Comments: (0) | View Count: (699)