
Archive by tag: nutritionReturn

Probiotic Can Reverse Depression

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Probiotic Can Reverse Depression
Probiotic Found in Yogurt Can Reverse Depression Symptoms, UVA Finds
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| Categories: | Tags: food, nutrition, diet, microbiome, gut bactria, yogurt, probiotics, Lactobacillus, depression | Comments: (0) | View Count: (893)

Red Wine Compound Keeps Brain Young

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Red Wine Compound Keeps Brain Young
Stop Your Brain From Aging: Red Wine Compound Keeps Brain Young, Preserves Neural Connections
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| Categories: | Tags: food, nutrition diet, wine, Resveratrol, Metformin, Metabolism | Comments: (0) | View Count: (748)
Caffeine Is Among 24 Compounds That May Prevent Dementia
Dementia Research 2017: Caffeine Is Among 24 Compounds That May Prevent Dementia, Study Says
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| Categories: | Tags: food, nutrition, diet, dementia, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, huntington’s disease, dementia, caffeine, coffee, enzymes, neurodegenerative disorders | Comments: (0) | View Count: (770)

The Latest Research on Soy and Cancer

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The Latest Research on Soy and Cancer
Isoflavones in food associated with reduced mortality for women with some breast cancers
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, cancer cure, cancer prophylactics, food, diet, nutrition, Isoflavones, soy | Comments: (0) | View Count: (687)
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