
Archive by tag: heartReturn
Popular belief that saturated fats clog up arteries 'plain wrong', say experts
The widely held belief among doctors and the public that saturated fats clog up the arteries, and so cause coronary heart disease, is just "plain wrong,"
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| Categories: | Tags: diet, obesity, saturated fat, heart, cardiovascular system | Comments: (0) | View Count: (964)
Energy drinks linked to more heart, blood pressure changes than caffeinated drinks alone
Drinking 32 ounces of a commercially available energy drink resulted in more profound changes in the heart’s electrical activity and blood pressure than drinking 32 ounces of a control drink with the same amount of caffeine
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| Categories: | Tags: Nutrition, diet, energy drinks, energy, heart, cardiovascular system | Comments: (0) | View Count: (774)

Pessimists more likely to die from heart disease

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Pessimists more likely to die from heart disease
Expect the worst and you'll never be disappointed." This is the motto some of us live by. But for patients with heart disease, this pessimistic view of life may ultimately raise their risk of death.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cardiovascular system, heart, mood, stress, inflammation | Comments: (0) | View Count: (758)

Immune cells unexpectedly help the heart keep its beat

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Immune cells unexpectedly help the heart keep its beat
A surprising new study suggests they are also essential for the heart to beat normally. That could make macrophages prime targets for treating conditions like arrhythmias, in which the heart beats erratically.
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| Categories: | Tags: Heart, cardiovascular system, immune system, immunity, electrostimulation | Comments: (1) | View Count: (964)

3-D-printed patch can help mend a 'broken' heart

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3-D-printed patch can help mend a 'broken' heart
A team of biomedical engineering researchers, led by the University of Minnesota, has created a revolutionary 3D-bioprinted patch that can help heal scarred heart tissue after a heart attack. The discovery is a major step forward in treating patients with tissue damage after a heart attack.
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| Categories: | Tags: bioprinting, heart attack, regeneration, heart | Comments: (0) | View Count: (635)
AI can predict heart attacks more accurately than doctors
This machine learning algorithm beats ACC/AHA guidelines by 7.6 percent
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| Categories: | Tags: Heart, cardiovascular system, artificial intelligence, diagnosis, heart attack | Comments: (0) | View Count: (884)
Scientists publish groundbreaking study on new heart drug
Scientists have identified a drug candidate to restore heart muscle function following a heart attack. Currently, no drug exists to restore heart muscle function after a heart attack.
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| Categories: | Tags: proteins, heart, heart muscle, heart attack, awaiting clinical trials | Comments: (0) | View Count: (739)

Genome-based cholesterol drug boosts heart health

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Genome-based cholesterol drug boosts heart health
Treatment reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, but might not live up to outsized expectations.
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| Categories: | Tags: genome, PCSK9, heart | Comments: (0) | View Count: (885)
Are Any Fad Diets Actually Healthy? What the Research Shows
With so many diet fads around these days, how do you know which ones are actually good for you? In a new review of studies covering about 40 years, researchers attempted to dispel the hype surrounding some popular diet trends and to outline what experts really know about a heart-healthy diet. They presented what might be considered the "best" dietary pattern for reducing the risk of heart disease, and explained why consumers should be wary of nutrition fads such as antioxidant pills a...
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| Categories: | Tags: fad diets, diet trends, heart-healthy diet, heart disease, heart disease risks, healthy diet, plant-based diet, juicing, gluten-free diets, coconut oils, vegetable oils, health | Comments: (0) | View Count: (660)

Unlocking the heart-protective benefits of soy

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Unlocking the heart-protective benefits of soy
A product of digesting a micronutrient found in soy may hold the key to why some people seem to derive a heart-protective benefit from eating soy foods, while others do not.
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| Categories: | Tags: Heart Diseas, Cholesterol, Stroke Prevention, Veterinary Medicine, Food, Soil Types | Comments: (0) | View Count: (874)
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