
Archive by tag: cellReturn
Texas May Be First To Allow Stem Cell Therapies For Desperate Patients
A bill may soon grant Texans greater access to unapproved but promising stem cell therapies, Stat News reports. Its passage would make Texas the first state to back the technology, which has not been approved by federal regulators and many experts consider risky.  
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, stem cell therapy, law | Comments: (0) | View Count: (746)

New hair growth mechanism discovered

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New hair growth mechanism discovered
Regulatory T cells (Tregs; pronounced 'tee-regs'), a type of immune cell generally associated with controlling inflammation, directly trigger stem cells in the skin to promote healthy hair growth, researchers have discovered. Without these immune cells as partners, the researchers found, the stem cells cannot regenerate hair follicles, leading to baldness.
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| Categories: | Tags: Hair, hair growth, alopecia, stem cells, immunity, T-cells, T-lymphocytes | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1130)

Sweetening connection between cancer and sugar

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Sweetening connection between cancer and sugar
Scientists have found that some types of cancers have more of a sweet tooth than others.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, oncology, squamous cell lung cancer, lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma | Comments: (0) | View Count: (747)
3D cell-printing 'Biopen' successfully tested on sheep could be 'game changer' in preventing osteoarthritis
A team from the Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia has successfully tested its innovative “Biopen.” The 3D bioprinting pen, which can be filled with stem cell hydrogel ink cartridges, was used to repair a sheep’s knee.
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| Categories: | Tags: Biorechka stem cells, 3D printing, bioprinting, organ printing | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1103)
The brain starts to eat itself after chronic sleep deprivation
Sleep loss in mice sends the brain’s immune cells into overdrive. This might be helpful in the short term, but could increase the risk of dementia in the long run
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, sleep, sleep deprivation, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, neurological disorders, glial cells, astrocytes, microglial cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1659)
Researchers develop protocol to analyze many cells at once
With the new FISH-Flow protocol, researchers are able to evaluate multitudes of cells at once for telltale mRNA species and proteins. The blended procedure provides a chance to see how multiple kinds of immune cells are responding to a foreign substance, making it possible to detect the presence of disease faster and earlier.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cells, cell analysis, diagnostics, immunity, immune system | Comments: (0) | View Count: (892)

Blood Stem Cells Grown in the Lab

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Blood Stem Cells Grown in the Lab
Researchers identify transcription factors and environmental conditions necessary to reprogram human and mouse cells into cells that function like hematopoietic stem cells.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, blood, artificial blood | Comments: (0) | View Count: (772)

Antibody for fighting cancer emerges

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Antibody for fighting cancer emerges
While studying the underpinnings of multiple sclerosis, investigators came across important clues for how to treat a very different disease: cancer. Researchers describe an antibody that can precisely target regulatory T cells which in turn unleashes the immune system to kill cancer cells. The team reports that the antibody decreased tumor growth in models of melanoma, glioblastoma and colorectal carcinoma, making it an attractive candidate for cancer immunotherapy.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, oncology, T-cells, antibodies, immunity, immune system | Comments: (0) | View Count: (852)
Human blood stem cells grown in the lab for the first time
The stem cells that produce our blood have been created in the lab for the first time. These could one day be used to treat people who have blood diseases and leukaemia with their own cells, rather than bone marrow transplants from a donor. They could also be used to create blood for transfusions.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, blood, artificial blood | Comments: (0) | View Count: (794)
Mouse teeth providing new insights into tissue regeneratio
Researchers hope to one day use stem cells to heal burns, patch damaged heart tissue, even grow kidneys and other transplantable organs from scratch.
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| Categories: | Tags: Teeth, stem cells, regeneration, tooth regeneration, restoration of teeth | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1082)
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