
Archive by tag: biotechnologyReturn
NHS launches world's first trial of 3D printed bionic hands for children
Schoolgirl Tilly Lockey says her new hand 'looks awesome and makes you feel confident'
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| Categories: | Tags: Bionics, biotechnology, dentures, robotic prostheses | Comments: (0) | View Count: (762)

Humans may be able to regrow skin after severe burns

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Humans may be able to regrow skin after severe burns
PolarityTE fully regenerated pig skin and hair follicles in third-degree burns.
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| Categories: | Tags: Skin, biotechnology, burns, regeneration, stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1007)
Are we about to witness the most unequal societies in history?
Biotechnology and the rise of AI may split humankind into a small class of ‘superhumans’ and a huge underclass of ‘useless’ people. Once the masses lose their economic and political power, inequality levels could spiral alarmingly
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| Categories: | Tags: Biotechnology, futurism, future, forecast, society | Comments: (0) | View Count: (713)

"Biotech is the new digital" says MIT Media Lab found

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"Biotech is the new digital" says MIT Media Lab found
Biotechnology is going to "govern the next decade of thought" at research institutions like the MIT Media Lab, says its founder Nicholas Negroponte.
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| Categories: | Tags: biotechnology, forecast, future | Comments: (0) | View Count: (785)

Welcome to the CRISPR zoo

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Welcome to the CRISPR zoo
Birds and bees are just the beginning for a burgeoning technology.
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| Categories: | Tags: Biotechnology, Genetics, Synthetic biology, Society | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1097)