
Archive by tag: aiReturn
We Just Got More New Evidence That Parkinson's Starts in the Gut - Not the Brain
Scientists have found more new evidence that Parkinson's could start in the gut before spreading to the brain, observing lower rates of the disease in patients who had undergone a procedure called a truncal vagotomy.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, Parkinson's disease, vagus nerve, digestive tract, stomach, gut | Comments: (0) | View Count: (759)
Scientists assemble working human forebrain circuits in a lab dish
Stanford investigators fused two stem-cell-derived neural spheroids, each containing a different type of human neuron, then watched as one set of neurons migrated and hooked up with the other set.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, artificial organs, grown organs, neurons, neural connections | Comments: (0) | View Count: (793)

What’s my age again?

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What’s my age again?
Anti-ageing drug just a few years away. Researchers from the UNSW School of Medical Sciences and Harvard Medical School are just six months away from human trials of a new drug that appears to repair damaged DNA, reversing the effects of radiation and ageing.
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| Categories: | Tags: NAD+. awaiting clinical trials, antiaging drug | Comments: (0) | View Count: (892)

5 Amazing Things Your Brain Does While You Sleep

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5 Amazing Things Your Brain Does While You Sleep
Sleeping for a third of a day has to have a purpose, if not, its not particularly advantageous to human evolution. Scientists have been studying sleep for decades and have come up with some answers. Here are 5 functions your brain carries out during sleep.
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| Categories: | Tags: Sleep, brain, memory, information processing, rest | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1738)

Brain Stimulation Restores Memory During Lapses

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Brain Stimulation Restores Memory During Lapses
A team of neuroscientists at the University of Pennsylvania has shown for the first time that electrical stimulation delivered when memory is predicted to fail can improve memory function in the human brain. That same stimulation generally becomes disruptive when electrical pulses arrive during periods of effective memory function.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, electrostimulation, memory, implants, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia | Comments: (0) | View Count: (973)
Neuralink: Elon Musk Finally Reveals His Neural Lace Plan
Elon Musk has lifted the lid on his new startup, Neuralink, a new endeavor to link the human mind to the power of digital computing and artificial intelligence.
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| Categories: | Tags: Neurointerface, regeneration, repair, implants, neyroimplants | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1133)
Blood from human babies make brains of elderly mice young again
Do you feel like your brain is getting sluggish with age? A protein found in umbilical cord blood may help restore its youthful vigor.
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| Categories: | Tags: Blood, proteins, regeneration, repair, TIMP2, brain, hippocampus | Comments: (0) | View Count: (898)
Think brain games make you smarter? Think again, researchers say
Brain games marketed by the billion-dollar brain-training industry don't improve cognition or help prevent age-related brain decline, new research finds.
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, cognitive health, brain aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (830)
With beetroot juice before exercise, aging brains look 'younger': study
Drinking a beetroot juice supplement before working out makes the brain of older adults perform more efficiently, mirroring the operations of a younger brain, according to a new study by scientists at Wake Forest University.
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, cognitive health, neural plasticity, food | Comments: (0) | View Count: (931)
New Simpler Parkinson's Tests Probe Walking, Talking, Typing
The new tests show promise for detecting the neurodegenerative condition earlier
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| Categories: | Tags: Parkinoson's decease, brain, diagnostics, tests | Comments: (0) | View Count: (706)
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