
Archive by tag: BloodReturn

Blood Stem Cells Grown in the Lab

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Blood Stem Cells Grown in the Lab
Researchers identify transcription factors and environmental conditions necessary to reprogram human and mouse cells into cells that function like hematopoietic stem cells.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, blood, artificial blood | Comments: (0) | View Count: (772)

Trial approved for blood protein cultivated in rice

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Trial approved for blood protein cultivated in rice
China's food and drug authority has approved a clinical trial of human blood protein cultivated in transgenic rice seeds, which could lead to large-scale production of much-needed blood plasma.
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| Categories: | Tags: Blood plasma, blood, artificial blood, artificial plasma | Comments: (0) | View Count: (738)
Human blood stem cells grown in the lab for the first time
The stem cells that produce our blood have been created in the lab for the first time. These could one day be used to treat people who have blood diseases and leukaemia with their own cells, rather than bone marrow transplants from a donor. They could also be used to create blood for transfusions.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, blood, artificial blood | Comments: (0) | View Count: (794)
Tracking unstable chromosomes helps predict lung cancer's return
Scientists have found that unstable chromosomes within lung tumors increases the risk of cancer returning after surgery, and have used this new knowledge to detect relapse long before standard testing.
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| Categories: | Tags: Oncology, cancer, lung cancer, lungs, diagnosis, blood tests | Comments: (0) | View Count: (704)
Blood from human babies make brains of elderly mice young again
Do you feel like your brain is getting sluggish with age? A protein found in umbilical cord blood may help restore its youthful vigor.
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| Categories: | Tags: Blood, proteins, regeneration, repair, TIMP2, brain, hippocampus | Comments: (0) | View Count: (898)

Old blood made young again

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Old blood made young again
Can we rejuvenate our blood to fight ageing?
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| Categories: | Tags: blood, blood rejuvenation, osteopontin, Alzheimer’s | Comments: (0) | View Count: (753)
Breakthrough discovery may make blood test feasible for detecting cancer
Doctors may soon be able to detect and monitor a patient's cancer with a simple blood test, reducing or eliminating the need for more invasive procedures, according to Purdue University research.
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, blood tests | Comments: (0) | View Count: (608)
Scientists Reverse Sickle Cell Disease for the First Time Using Gene Therapy
A new gene therapy technique has been used to successfully reverse sickle cell disease for the first time, scientists report.
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| Categories: | Tags: therapy, cells, gene, disease, haemoglobin, blood, patient, treatment, scientists, cell, genetic, sickle, body | Comments: (0) | View Count: (711)
Blood test that reveals 'true age' shows risk of dying from cancer
The difference between biological age and chronological age can be used to predict cancer.
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| Categories: | Tags: blood test, true age, cancer, dying from cancer | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1185)

Delivering genes across the blood-brain barrier

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Delivering genes across the blood-brain barrier
Caltech biologists have developed a vector capable of noninvasive delivery of genetic cargo throughout the adult central nervous system.
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| Categories: | Tags: genes, blood-brain barrier | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1275)