
Archive by tag: BrainReturn

Elon Musk's Neuralink will plug AI into your brain

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Elon Musk's Neuralink will plug AI into your brain
Musk's latest project is called Neuralink and its goal is to explore technology that can make direct connections between a human brain and a computer.
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| Categories: | Tags: bionics, neural interface, brain | Comments: (0) | View Count: (866)

Brain Activity Detected Even After Death

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Brain Activity Detected Even After Death
Doctors from the University of Western Ontario report that in one patient in a Canadian intensive care unit, persistent brain activity was found even after clinical death had been officially declared.
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, brain death, brain activity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (895)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis linked to occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields
Workplace exposure to electromagentic fields is linked to a higher risk of developing the most common form of motor neurone disease
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| Categories: | Tags: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, electromagnetic fields, neurons, brain | Comments: (0) | View Count: (745)

Protein could prevent brain damage caused by stroke

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Protein could prevent brain damage caused by stroke
A small protein that could protect the brain from stroke-induced injury has been discovered by researchers from The University of Queensland and Monash University.
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| Categories: | Tags: protein, brain, stroke, awaiting of clinical trials | Comments: (0) | View Count: (761)
Brain is 10 times more active than previously measured, researchers find
A new UCLA study could change scientists' understanding of how the brain works—and could lead to new approaches for treating neurological disorders and for developing computers that "think" more like humans.
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| Categories: | Tags: brain, neurological disorders, computers, artificial intelligence, neurons, dendrites | Comments: (0) | View Count: (746)

3 Exciting Biotech Trends to Watch Closely in 2017

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3 Exciting Biotech Trends to Watch Closely in 2017
As I start to look at the emerging trends of 2017 from the vantage of IndieBio, where we see hundreds of biotech startup applications and technologies per year, a few key themes are already emerging. Even as political landscapes change, science and technology continue to push forward.
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| Categories: | Tags: longevity, aging, biotech, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, brain repair, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence | Comments: (0) | View Count: (755)

Needing More Sleep is a Risk Factor for Dementia

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Needing More Sleep is a Risk Factor for Dementia
As we age, some systems in the body don’t work as well. Eyesight weakens, there can be some minor age related memory loss and many people move a little slower and don’t stay as active. Sleep disturbances are common as well, but recent research shows that sleeping patterns could be an indicator of another problem seen in the elderly: dementia. Currently estimates put the number of people dealing with some form of dementia at about 46 million globally. In the United States, there are approxima...
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| Categories: | Tags: aging, dementia, sleep, Alzheimer, brain, cognitive health, MRI | Comments: (0) | View Count: (755)
Scientists get the green light to resurrect the dead with stem cells
(Minds) Bioquark, a biotech company based in the United States, has been given the go-ahead to begin research on 20 brain-dead patients, in an attempt to stimulate and regrow neurons and, literally, bring the patients back from the dead.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, brain, death, resurrection, neurons | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1096)
Virtual Neurons Created by Blue Brain and the Allen Institute
The Allen Institute for Brain Science is releasing new, highly realistic computer models of neurons. The models were developed using tools and expertise from the Blue Brain Project.
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| Categories: | Tags: computer models of neurons, Blue Brain Project, the Allen Institute, neurons, Human Brain | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1243)
Researchers dig up new molecular details on 'the other type' of stem cells
Scientists reveal that the combination of two molecular signals determines which cells that have already differentiated can regain their stem cell properties.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem Cells, Skin Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lymphoma, Immune System, Brain Tumor | Comments: (0) | View Count: (845)
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