
Archive by author: Return

Treatment reverses aging in brains of rats

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Treatment reverses aging in brains of rats
The aging processes in brain cells that are thought to underlie cognitive decline may be reversible, according to research published in The Journal of Neuroscience. Researchers believe they have found a way to regenerate the fibers that receive neural impulses.
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Increased ghrelin signaling prolongs survival in mouse models of human aging through activation of sirtuin1
Caloric restriction (CR) is known to retard aging and delay functional decline as well as the onset of diseases in most organisms. Ghrelin is secreted from the stomach in response to CR and regulates energy metabolism. We hypothesized that in CR ghrelin has a role in protecting aging-related diseases.
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| Categories: | Tags: ghrelin signaling, survival, models of human, aging, sirtuin1 | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1740)
Benzodiazepine use and risk of incident dementia or cognitive decline: prospective population based study
The risk of dementia is slightly higher in people with minimal exposure to benzodiazepines but not with the highest level of exposure. These results do not support a causal association between benzodiazepine use and dementia.
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| Categories: | Tags: benzodiazepine, dementia, cognitive decline | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1696)

Drug prevents key age-related brain change in rats

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Drug prevents key age-related brain change in rats
As brain cells age they lose the fibers that receive neural impulses, a change that may underlie cognitive decline. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine recently found a way to reverse this process in rats. The study was published Feb. 3, 2016 in The Journal of Neuroscience. Researchers caution that more studies are needed, but the findings shed light on the mechanisms of cognitive decline and identify potential strategies to stem it.
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| Categories: | Tags: drug, age-related, rats, brain change | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1324)
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