
Archive by author: Yael DemedetskayaReturn

How the injured brain tells the body it's hurt

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How the injured brain tells the body it's hurt
Researchers say they have identified a new way that cells in the brain alert the rest of the body to recruit immune cells when the brain is injured. The work was completed in mouse models that mimic infection, stroke or trauma in humans.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, astrocytes, immune system, immunity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (813)
Hidden tooth infections may predispose people to heart disease
An infection of the root tip of a tooth increases the risk of coronary artery disease, even if the infection is symptomless. Hidden dental root tip infections are very common: as many as one in four in Finland suffer from at least one. Such infections are usually detected by chance from X-rays.
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| Categories: | Tags: Teeth, heart, cardiovascular system, caries | Comments: (0) | View Count: (768)
Human blood stem cells grown in the lab for the first time
The stem cells that produce our blood have been created in the lab for the first time. These could one day be used to treat people who have blood diseases and leukaemia with their own cells, rather than bone marrow transplants from a donor. They could also be used to create blood for transfusions.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, blood, artificial blood | Comments: (0) | View Count: (797)
Cancer researchers tap human intuition of video gamers in quest to beat cancer
Video gamers have the power to beat cancer, according to cancer researchers and video game developers at Southern Methodist University, Dallas.
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| Categories: | Tags: crowd research, game mods, cancer, oncology | Comments: (0) | View Count: (879)

'Fat but fit is a big fat myth'

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'Fat but fit is a big fat myth'
The idea that people can be fat but medically fit is a myth, say experts speaking in Portugal.
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| Categories: | Tags: Obesity, diet, metabolism, morbidity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (758)

ARM to provide chips for brain injury implants

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ARM to provide chips for brain injury implants
Chip design giant ARM has teamed up with US researchers on a project to develop chips that can be implanted in the human brain.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, implant, implant, neurointerface, mobility, paralysis | Comments: (0) | View Count: (766)
Electric zaps bring brain-dead people back to life for a week: Scientists successfully 'reawake' two patients from a vegetative state with brain stimulation
Neurologists in Belgium tested transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) They used the method to stimulate the brains of 16 brain-dead people After 5 days of 20-minute-a-day sessions, 2 in a vegetative state could respond to a conversation Another 9 were showing signs of awareness following the treatment
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, coma, vegetative state, consciousness, return of consciousness | Comments: (0) | View Count: (4511)
Study: New blood test is more accurate in predicting prostate cancer risk than PSA
IsoPSA assay can help in determining the need for prostate biopsy for patients
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| Categories: | Tags: Oncology, cancer, prostate cancer, prostate, diagnosis | Comments: (0) | View Count: (724)

Social ties help animals live longer

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Social ties help animals live longer
Large families and strong social ties help animals live longer, new research suggests.
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| Categories: | Tags: Socium, social relations, life expectancy | Comments: (0) | View Count: (727)

3D-printed ovaries restore fertility in mice

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3D-printed ovaries restore fertility in mice
3D printed ‘Lego-style’ ovary could help infertile women have children
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| Categories: | Tags: Reproduction, ovaries, bioprinting, implantation, implant implants | Comments: (0) | View Count: (772)
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