
How Diamond Sensors Are Set to Revolutionize Medical Diagnostics
Cheap diamond-based sensors are set to make it possible for most hospitals to diagnose heart disease and brain conditions using magnetic fields.
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| Categories: | Tags: Heart, cardiovascular system, brain, diagnosis, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, encephalogram, cardiogram | Comments: (0) | View Count: (863)
Microbes might thrive after crash-landing on board a meteorite
Bacteria riding on an incoming meteorite may be able to survive the violent shockwave created when it crash-lands on a planet. Their cell walls have been seen to rapidly harden and relax after a sudden shock compression, enabling them to bounce back even after an extreme collision.
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| Categories: | Tags: Bacteria, survival, pressure, reproduction | Comments: (0) | View Count: (768)

Revolutionary eye drops to treat age-related blindness

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Revolutionary eye drops to treat age-related blindness
A type of eye drop has been developed that could potentially revolutionize the treatment of one of the leading causes of blindness, age-related macular degeneration.
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| Categories: | Tags: Vision, blindness, macular degeneration | Comments: (0) | View Count: (899)

Bioengineering of an Intraabdominal Endocrine Pancreas

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Bioengineering of an Intraabdominal Endocrine Pancreas
The diabetic volunteer continued to produce insulin one year after she received a transplant of abdominal islet cells.
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Ludwig researchers identify counterintuitive approach to treating a brain cancer
The loss of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN has been linked to tumor growth and chemotherapy resistance in the almost invariably lethal brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Now, Ludwig researchers have shown that one way to override the growth-promoting effects of PTEN deletion is, surprisingly, to inhibit a separate tumor suppressor gene.
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| Categories: | Tags: cancer, oncology, genetics, genome engineering | Comments: (0) | View Count: (837)
Nvidia CEO: Software Is Eating the World, but AI Is Going to Eat Software
Jensen Huang predicts that health care and autos are going to be transformed by artificial intelligence.
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| Categories: | Tags: Artificial intelligence, AI, brain, software | Comments: (0) | View Count: (786)
China sets up national lab developing brain-like AI technology
China's first national laboratory for brain-like artificial intelligence (AI) technology was inaugurated Saturday in Hefei, capital of East China's Anhui province, to pool the country's top research talent and boost the technology.
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| Categories: | Tags: Artificial intelligence, AI, brain | Comments: (0) | View Count: (865)
Capitalism 2.0: the economy of the future will be powered by neural lace
The future economy relies on humans being able to keep up with machines
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| Categories: | Tags: Futurism, prediction, prediction, neurointerface, brain, singularity | Comments: (0) | View Count: (729)
Stanford engineers create experimental technology to monitor and maintain drug levels in the body
A new technology can monitor and maintain the level of drug in the bloodstream of animals. If it works in people, it could deliver the optimal dose of life-saving drugs and prevent harmful over- or underdosing.
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| Categories: | Tags: Medicines, personalized medicine, dosages, drug delivery | Comments: (0) | View Count: (780)
Sticking plaster using health-boosting stem cells from a patient's own thigh could beat heart failure
Researchers have mended damaged hearts with patch packed with healthy cells. The therapy could be a ‘promising’ long-term solution for heart failure treatment. The condition currently affects around 900,000 people in the UK
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| Categories: | Tags: Heart, cardiovascular system, heart disease | Comments: (0) | View Count: (753)
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