
Archive by tag: cellsReturn

Nanoparticles reprogram immune cells to fight cancer

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Nanoparticles reprogram immune cells to fight cancer
A new study describes new method to transform immune cells, while inside the body, into leukemia-fighting powerhouses.
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| Categories: | Tags: Cancer, oncology, immunity, immune system, nanoparticles, T-cells, genetics, genetic engineering, genome modification | Comments: (0) | View Count: (683)

Pig organ transplant to save babies’ lives

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Pig organ transplant to save babies’ lives
A team of doctors in Britain is to become the first in the world to modify pig organs to treat newborn babies with birth defects.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, donor organs, growing organs, pigs | Comments: (0) | View Count: (738)

Stem cells - visualising and description

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Stem cells - visualising and description
Visualization of stem cells and description for each type
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, visualizing, images, description | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1124)

Announcing the Allen Cell Explorer

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Announcing the Allen Cell Explorer
The Allen Institute for Cell Science today announces the launch of the Allen Cell Explorer: a one-of-a-kind portal and dynamic digital window into the human cell.
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| Categories: | Tags: Stem cells, machine learning, artificial intelligence | Comments: (0) | View Count: (724)
Scientists expand ability of stem cells to regrow any tissue type
Now, scientists at the Salk Institute, in collaboration with researchers from Peking University, in China, are reporting their discovery of a chemical cocktail that enables cultured mouse and human stem cells to do just that: generate both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, pluripotent stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (826)
Scientists find molecule that inhibits fruit flies from overeating
Researchers are one-step closer to finding the ultimate weight loss treatment – a signal in the human body that stops us from overeating.
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| Categories: | Tags: overeating, fat cells, weight loss, weight gain | Comments: (0) | View Count: (706)
Programming human cells to follow sets of logical instructions
A team of researchers at Boston University has developed a new way to engineer mammalian cells that allows for programming them to behave in desired ways.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, CRISPR/Cas9, T cells, synthetic biology, genetics, genome modification, gene engineering | Comments: (0) | View Count: (832)
Aging: Cell coordination breakdown - Researchers use single-cell sequencing to understand how cells age
Scientists have resolved a key question in aging research by showing how mouse immune cells of different ages respond to stimulation. Study demonstrates weaker response of older cells is due to their coordination breaking down, making their response to immune stimulation more variable. Single-cell sequencing technology allows scientists to profile individual cells independently to view cellular activity in high resolution.
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| Categories: | Tags: immune system, immune cells, unicellular, one cell | Comments: (0) | View Count: (689)
Pioneering stem cell gene therapy cures infants with bubble baby disease
UCLA researchers have developed a stem cell gene therapy cure for babies born with adenosine deaminase-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency, a rare and life-threatening condition that can be fatal within the first year of life if left untreated.
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| Categories: | Tags: stem cells, immune system, genetics, genome modification, gene engineering, immunodeficiency, Adenosine deaminase-deficient | Comments: (1) | View Count: (812)
Lab-grown mini-organs help model disease, test new drugs
Scientists have created a veritable zoo of “organoids,” including livers, pancreases, stomachs, hearts, kidneys, and even mammary and salivary glands
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| Categories: | Tags: organoids, organs, stem cells, mini-organs, new drugs test | Comments: (0) | View Count: (710)
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