
Archive by tag: TORReturn

Fetal Immune System Operational By Second Trimester

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Fetal Immune System Operational By Second Trimester
Research shows that human immunity develops much earlier than previously thought, but functions differently in adults.
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| Categories: | Tags: Immunity, immune system, inflammations, T cells, T-lymphocytes, T-regulatory cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (779)

Vision keeps maturing until mid-life

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Vision keeps maturing until mid-life
The visual cortex, the human brain's vision-processing center that was previously thought to mature and stabilize in the first few years of life, actually continues to develop until sometime in the late 30s or early 40s, a neuroscientist has found.
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| Categories: | Tags: Brain, aging, vision, brain plasticity, glutamate receptors | Comments: (0) | View Count: (900)
Why our brain cells may prevent us burning fat when we're dieting
A study carried out in mice may help explain why dieting can be an inefficient way to lose weight: key brain cells act as a trigger to prevent us burning calories when food is scarce.
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| Categories: | Tags: Diet, nutrition, brain, neurons, mTORC1, AGRP | Comments: (0) | View Count: (783)
Battery-free implantable medical device draws energy directly from human body
Researchers from UCLA and the University of Connecticut have designed a new biofriendly energy storage system called a biological supercapacitor, which operates using charged particles, or ions, from fluids in the human body. The device is harmless to the body's biological systems, and it could lead to longer-lasting cardiac pacemakers and other implantable medical devices.
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| Categories: | Tags: implants, energy, accumulators | Comments: (0) | View Count: (971)
Mouse teeth providing new insights into tissue regeneratio
Researchers hope to one day use stem cells to heal burns, patch damaged heart tissue, even grow kidneys and other transplantable organs from scratch.
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| Categories: | Tags: Teeth, stem cells, regeneration, tooth regeneration, restoration of teeth | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1086)

Scientists report inhibition of cellular aging

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Scientists report inhibition of cellular aging
DGIST's research team have been conducting research to reverse the aging process by shifting the existing academia's 'irreversibility of aging' paradigm that suggests aging cannot be reversed. To reverse the aging process, the research team searched for factors that could control aging and sought substances that could restore cell division capacity.
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| Categories: | Tags: KU-60019, inhibitor of the ATM protein, inhibition of cellular aging | Comments: (0) | View Count: (860)

Breaking up with death

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Breaking up with death
Humanity has a complicated relationship with death. Will technology one day enable us to break up with it completely?
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| Categories: | Tags: transhumanism, philosophy, history, immortality | Comments: (0) | View Count: (840)
The Crazy Plan to Restore a Woman's Fertility—and Defy the Limits of Nature
A gynecologist named Konstantinos Sfakianoudis claimed to have found a way to rejuvenate aging ovaries with a blood treatment typically used for healing wounds. So far, the Sfakianoudis says, the technique has helped nine women nearing menopause who were having difficulty conceiving to get pregnant via in vitro fertilization.
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| Categories: | Tags: fertility, menopause, reproduction, restore reproduction, pregnancy, CRIPSR, stem cells | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1056)

An epigenetic clock controls aging

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An epigenetic clock controls aging
We are accustomed to treating aging as a set of things that go wrong with the body. But for more than twenty years, there has been accumulating evidence that much of the process takes place under genetic control.
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| Categories: | Tags: Senescence, Programmed aging, Epigenetic, Evolution, Life history, Gene expression | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1029)

Wait not in vain

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Wait not in vain
After decades of piecemeal progress, the science of cryogenically storing human organs is warming up.
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| Categories: | Tags: cryogenically storing, human organs | Comments: (0) | View Count: (1266)